Monday, October 31, 2011

Installing SharePoint on a "non-standard" SQL Port

Attempting to install SharePoint on a "non-stardard" port can be a challenge.  Typically a Database Administrator will not run SQL on the standard port for security concerns.  Additionally, you might be attempting to install SharePoint on a Cluster and attempting to connect to the Cluster Port where your instance of SQL is being hosted.  

The "non-standard port" creates a challenge for SharePoint Administrators and the SharePoint Installation.  The SharePoint installation is looking for SQL Server on the Standard Port (1433).

An option that I've used and found to be very effective is the creation of a SQL Server Alias on each server in the farm.  It's never bad, in my opinion to alias your SQL Server connection.  You never know when this will be helpful in the future, specifically in the case of a database migration or hardware refresh.

Steps to create a SQL Server Alias:

  1. Open SQL Server Client Network Utility.  (I believe this tool is native to Server 2003, 2008 and 2008 R2).
  2. Click on the Alias tab
  3. Click Add
    • Server Alias:  "Enter the Alias information (eg. "SPDatabase")
    • Network Libraries:  TCP/IP
    • Server Name:  "Enter the name of the SQL Server you where the Databes will be hosted"
    • Dynamically Determine Port:  "Uncheck to enter a specific port, or leaved checked to dynamically determine port
Notes:  If you leave "Dynamically determine port" checked, your Database Administrators can do some magic on their side to forward requests from a specific account to a specific port. 

You'll need to recreate these steps on all the servers in the farm.

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